Tuesday 8 October 2013

Republican offers obama a way out of the shutdown if he bans Abortion,plans to use Military power stop Abortion in other Countries

[image_0Republicans in the House of
Representatives have offered to start
funding the federal government again if
President Obama orders an immediate
ban on all abortions.
In a lengthy press conference this
morning, House Speaker John Boehner
hailed the idea as a compromise
solution to the ongoing crisis and
blasted Democrats for refusing to
consider the proposal.
"Last night I spoke to the White House
and offered the Democrats what I
thought was a very reasonable
compromise to end this government
shutdown," Boehner explained. "All
President Obama has to do is
immediately end all abortions in this
country, and we'll consider funding the
government again.
"Now obviously we're not dropping our
demand that the president repeal
Obamacare. But I think a complete and
permanent ban on abortion would be a
sign of good faith from the Democrats
and an excellent starting point for
"Unfortunately, the other side seems to
be more interested in scoring political
points than getting the government up
and running again. The president and
Harry Reid have refused to even sit
down and talk about this idea. Like
most Americans I am outraged by these
political games and I hope the American
people join me in condemning these
reckless Democrats."
Most forms of abortion have been legal
since the Supreme Court's 1973
decision in Roe v. Wade, which found
that restrictions on the procedure
violated the constitution's right to
privacy. Since then the issue has been
one of the most decisive in American
politics, with socially conservative
Republicans continuing to press for
increasing restrictions on the practice.
Today's demand, however, is unusual
because banning abortion outright is
beyond the power of the presidency
and would require a constitutional
amendment. Nevertheless, some Tea
Party conservatives believe that
Boehner's offer doesn't ask enough of
"I think we can get a lot more out of the
president in exchange for stopping the
shutdown," says Congressman Ted
Yoho (R-FL). "What about using the
power of our military to stop abortions
in other countries? What about
eliminating the income tax for those
making over $1 million a year?
"Speaker Boehner seems to forget that
we're holding all the cards. Republicans
control one-half of the legislative
branch. So we're starting at 50 percent.
Clearly we can negotiate our way to
getting 97 or 98 percent of what we
want. Forget Obamacare. Let's ask
Obama to eliminate Medicare too. We're
on the verge of achieving a historic
victory, we can't back down now."

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