Tuesday 22 October 2013

Meet the world Most interesting man and know how interesting he is

You may not know Jonathan
Goldsmith, but you undoubtedly
know Dos Equis' Most Interesting
Man In The World. The two, in fact,
are the same person.
Goldsmith shot to fame in 2006 when
his James Bond-like character started
"living vicariously through himself,"
but in a recent interview with Esquire
magazine, Goldsmith has unveiled his
own overly interesting experiences.
One of which, no big deal, involves
saving a young girl's life.
"When I was 18, I started out at the
Fresh Air Fund for kids in New York
City, and it provided an opportunity
for kids with disabilities to do all
kinds of activities," Goldsmith, 75,
said. "One of the things we dealt with
were quite a lot of epileptic kids, and
when you have to watch 100 kids
playing in a pool, thrashing around, it
takes a great deal of concentration to
determine a child that's having a
grand mal fit or a kid that's just
"Years later, in Malibu, I watched a
little girl play with all the kids, and
something caught my eye. I just
remember: This kid is going to die.
She's drowning. But because I had
been trained when I was 18 as a
counselor, twenty years before the
incident, I knew. I just instinctively
Think that's heroic? You ain't heard
nothing yet.
"At that same camp, we took kids on
an overnight camping trip," the now-
legitimately Most Interesting Man In
The World continued telling Esquire.
"It sounded like a hardware store
walking down the railroad tracks, all
these braces. We had kids that had
multiple dystrophy and epileptics and
sickle cell anemics and amputees,
crutches. And these kids were having
a ball."
"And all of the sudden, I had this one
kid, little bastard [laughs] would only
take his epileptic medicine with apple
sauce. Well, we didn't have apple
sauce, so he wouldn't take his
[laughs] f--kin' medicine. And sure
enough, there's Nathan screaming at
the sky, and he drops like a stone.
And he was a serious epileptic. So we
had to carry him back on the railroad
tracks, and it was tough because
they're spaced so I couldn't get a
direct step, and my toe would hit the
top of the railroad tie, my instep on
the bottom. And to this day, I
sometimes have to wear a night brace
when I sleep, with ice and all the rest
of it."
Someone should use these tales to sell
beer, STAT.

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