Wednesday 18 September 2013

The 10 Major Mistakes Most Women Make In Relationships

1.       You Act Jealous/Insane When He
Looks at Or Talks To Other Women
As a man, I can confidently say that it’s in
our nature to look. If you just act jealous
and flip out when we do, it shows us that
you’re insecure. Being insecure is a very big
turn off for us guys. If you find that you’re
constantly jealous when he’s around other
women you need to reevaluate some issues
in this relationship. First, you need to build
up on your self-esteem. No man will want
to cheat on a woman that’s confident and
secure about her position in a relationship.
Second, you need to evaluate the trust
issues found in this relationships, more so,
do you trust him or not?
And finally, you need to see if he’s trying to
make you jealous on purpose (or that he is
actually trying to cheat). With all honesty, if
a man is trying to cheat, he WILL NEVER try
to do it in front of you (at least no smart
man will). That being said, if he’s talking to
a woman in front of you, know that he’s
probably just talking.
Jealousy is an unnecessary emotion, an
unnecessary strain that people put on their
minds. At the end of the day, if one wants
to cheat, he will cheat regardless of the fact
that you’re jealous or not. Acting jealous
will only destroy a relationship regardless
of what the other person is doing. With
that in mind, what’s the point of wasting
precious energy on something like jealousy
when you could be doing a LOT more
productive things in that time? You need to
believe in yourself, you need to be sure
that the person you’re with has absolutely
no reason to cheat on you and if he does
do it, then he’s the ONLY one losing out . If
any guy cheats on you, you’ve just found
out that your relationship was doomed to
fail eventually anyway. The first thing on
your mind should be “Thank god this
happened now!”
2.       You’re Not Giving Him His Space
If a man is in a bad mood or does not feel
like talking, it’s always best to leave him
alone. Men are not women and because of
that they often DO NOT like to talk about
their issues in the same way women do.
They would much rather hold it in and sort
it out internally. Trying to get him to open
up when he just wants to deal with his
issues could backfire and you could have
some serious fights break out.
3.       You’re Letting Yourself Go
I would say this is the NUMBER 1 reason
why men leave a relationship and also why
many men feel inclined to cheat within a
relationship. It’s just a shame to see the
incredible amount of women that think that
once they’re in a relationship it’s just ok to
let go and stop shaving their legs, fixing
their hair etc. If anything, these women
should feel more motivated to make an
effort to look sexy and attractive for their
main in order to keep that sexual energy
buzzing. If you were ever in a relationship
and felt like “your sex life died”, this is
probably the reason.
4.       You’re Having No Life Outside The
Do your best to NOT become one of those
women that focuses her entire life on the
relationship. Don’t be one of those women
that forgets her friends and remembers
about them only when there’s problems in
the relationship. This not only suffocates
the man but it also makes you look needy,
another major turn off for any man.
5.       You’re Being Passive Aggressive
This is probably the number 1 skill that
women have but it also makes men crazy. If
he asks you what’s wrong and you say
nothing and then just mope around waiting
for him to press you further, you’ll just
cause anger and resentment to build up. He
will do it for a while, he will KNOW that
you’re actually upset, but if you constantly
do this it will reach a point in which he’ll
just stop caring and that’s where the fights
start to happen.
All of this can be avoided if you’re just
straightforward with him whenever you
have an issue.
6.       You’re Nagging Him
Nobody is perfect and that includes the guy
you’re dating. Constantly telling him what
he’s not doing right is never a good way to
let a man know that there’s something he
could be doing differently. If you actually
want to see a change, tell him that “I just
love it when you do X”.
7.       You’re Not Appreciating Him For
What He Does
Again, you need to stop looking at the
things he isn’t doing and try to focus more
on what he is actually doing. Acknowledge
and appreciate him for the good that he
does. The more appreciation he receives
from you, the more he’ll try to please you.
8.       You’ve Got Grouchy Girlfriend
This is probably the biggest turn off in my
relationships. I’m a positive person and
just hate it when the person next to me is
being grouchy/bitter/whiny 24/7. We as
men, understand that you are having bad
days, but seriously, NOT EVERY DAY.
Believe me, nobody wants to hang around
a negative person, try to see the good in
your life and your relationship. This
mentality will not only help you in your
relationships but it will also help your life
in the long run.
Whilst still on this subject, the only thing
worse than being grouchy 24/7 is blaming
the guy for your behavior. Let’s say he
makes a silly mistake but you’re already
feeling grouchy, when he does what he
does, you simply justify being grouchy
because of what he did. Believe me, this is
worse than acting negative all the time. I’ve
had male friends that constantly
complained about doing something wrong
and their girlfriends being upset for 1
week, by the time they were able to lift their
moods up, something new will come up
and they’ll be upset again. In the end, they
all broke up with these girls and I can
assure you, if you’re doing this, he will
eventually break up with you.
9.       You’re Trying To Change Him
Many women go into a relationship seeing
a guy’s flaws but knowing that eventually
they’ll be able to change him. That
mentality is just wrong and is the reason
why those relationships eventually fail.
When you start a relationship you need to
take that person for exactly who he is, not
who you want him to be.
With regards to minor things like picking
the wrong shoes, you can be gentle and
encouraging. There’s no need to criticize
him or make him feel stupid. Say it in a way
that will make him feel good and inspired
to change on his own. “You look really sexy
in that outfit but I think you’d look even
sexier with those other shoes”, make him
value your opinion, not hate it.
10.   You’re Not Loving Him In the Way
That He Feels Love
Every single person feels love differently.
Many women feel loved when their partner
is supportive or when he brings her a
bouquet of flowers. These gestures might
mean nothing to a man. Guys have their
own way of feeling loved and that way is
often, VERY DIFFERENT from the way you
feel love. If you just give him the kind of
love you hope to receive, he will almost
never feel loved.
You need to pay attention to how he
responds to various things in order to work
out what makes him feel truly loved. Once
you know what it is, keep doing it as often
as you can. To give you some examples:
personally, I liked to be kissed and hugged
a lot, other guys would like a hot meal at
the end of the day (which I love too),
others a cup of tea, others might want a
massage, or sex, or even just sticking with
him through the hard times. Whatever it is,
you need to find it and replicate it as often
as you can.

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