Tuesday 10 September 2013

Five Fantastic ways to remain sexy

1. Slow Down & Accentuate
Without a doubt, the most powerful thing
you can do right now to instantly boost
your sex appeal is to slow down. When I say
slow down, I mean slow down your
movements and your speech, not your
So instead of rushing down the hallway
everywhere you go, slow down and
accentuate your movements. It’s
surprisingly simple and easy to do, yet it
will dramatically improve your sex appeal
instantly. Another example is when you are
talking to someone and are making a point.
Waving your arms about quickly &
erratically may help to win your argument
but to be perfectly honest, it isn’t
particularly sexy and usually isn’t needed
The same applies to how fast you talk.
Don’t ever feel like you have to get every
word out of your mouth as quickly as
possible. Slowing down how fast you talk
by just 10% is a really fabulous way to
become more sexy.
This even applies to when you’re giving him
a blowjob. Don’t fall into the trap of
thinking faster is always better. By the way,
if you are looking for the best blowjob tips
& techniques to try out with your man, you
will find them all in this orals sex video
WARNING: Now, a lot of people may be
thinking that they should walk as slowly as
possible or talk as slowly as possible to
become more sexy. This isn’t quite right.
There is a fine line that you need to judge
for yourself. Usually slowling down your
movements and how fast you talk down by
about 10% is perfect. Anymore and you
may seem stoned!
2. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Strong Eye
More from YourTango: 4 Incredible Tips
On How To Have Better Sex
If you want to learn how to be sexier, you
shouldn’t have to trade your dignity and
self worth for it, ever . That’s why learning
how to make strong eye contact is a
fantastic way to be sexy and powerful at
the same time. The next time you are
talking to a guy, try making strong eye
contact with him as you are talking. It’s a
great way to say, “Hey, I’m confident and I
know what I like”. This is incredibly
powerful and attractive to men.
But…Just like with slowling your movements
down, there is a fine line between
powerful, sexy eye contact and weird,
stalker eye contact! You are going to look
like a stalker if you always make unflinching
eye contact with your man, without ever
breaking it.
3. There Is A Fine Line Between Sexy &
More from YourTango: How To Make A
Hot Sex Tape
Often people think that in order to be sexy,
they need to dress in the skimpiest, most
revealing and slutty clothes they can find.
This certainly may attract guys, but it will
attract them from the wrong reasons.
Unless you are looking for a one night
stand, this is not something you’re going to
want to ever do.
But at the same time, it is important to
wear clothes that show off the best parts of
your body and help to improve your overall
look and attractiveness.
So you need to find a balance between
both. The same goes for how your do your
hair, make up, jewellery and shoes.
4. Don’t Forget To Touch
It’s no secret that guys are attracted a lot
by looks. But as well as looks, another great
way to attract them and get their attention
in a sexy way is to touch them. Now
touching them at every single opportunity is
not actually that sexy.
A better way to touch them is:
When you are making a point.
When you say hello.
When you say goodbye.
When they say something funny.
Touching a guy at any of these times is
totally natural, normal and sexy. And when
you do touch him, it’s usually best to just
touch him on the arm or back.
5. Learn How To Build Sexual Tension
The last tip that I have for you on how to
be sexy is to learn how to effectively build
sexual tension. This is something I cover in
great depth in the video on talking dirty to
build sexual tension . This is actually a lot
more powerful than any of the other
techniques as it’s what will keep guys
thinking about you when you’re not
The easiest way to build sexual tension is
through teasing your guy, playfighting and
generally having fun, all the while
maintaining fun and interesting hobbies in
your spare time. This is the perfect way to
let your man know that you are awesome
to be around, like being around him, but
don’t necessarily need him.
In other words, you are saying, “Hey, I like
you and I like hanging out with you. But
you need to be equally awesome, if I am
going to keep hanging out with yo

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