Monday 9 September 2013

5 Steps you must follow if want to enjoy a good Relationship

1. Don’t over-assume
If you expect the kind of dates you watch in
movies – the make believe, romantic stories
to happen on your first few dates,  girl, you
need to stop watching so much Love Jones.
Relax. Just let the date unfold without any
unrealistic expectations. Even if he doesn’t
plan the most romantic date or his game is
a little off, you can still have a great time.
Have a sense of humor when the inevitable
awkwardness occurs. Also, don’t spend the
night obsessing over whether or not Mr.
Right Now is your soul mate. Just think of
him as a potential friend that you happen
to find attractive. Get your flirt on, but
don’t over think it.
2. Try Stepping Out With A Guy Who’s Not
Your Typical Type
Don’t disregard a man, because he doesn’t
meet all your physical criteria. If looking at
his face activates your gag reflex, don’t
waste your time. However, if you are
crossing guys off the list simply due to
height, race, or head size, you may be
missing out on some great
prospects. Approach the date with an open
mind and see if there’s a connection. Even
if it doesn’t work out, you can make a good
friend or find out that he’s perfect for your
3. Stop Looking For Reasons To Hate Him
There’s a lot of fish in the sea that need to
be tossed back, but don’t invent a reason
to hate your date. Obviously, if he acts like
a cad or does something creepy, you
should let him go his merry way. However,
if you decide you can’t date him due to the
shape of fingers or because he likes the
wrong football team, maybe you should
give dude a break. Focus on his positives
and look for things that you have in
common. You’ll have a lot more fun that
4. Look Good, But Don’t Overdo It
Some ladies stress too much on dressing to
impress when going out on a date. Of
course you should try to look your best, but
buying a very expensive dress,  teetering
around in heels you can’t walk in and
squeezing into three pairs of Spanx is
completely unnecessary. If he didn’t
already like how you look, he wouldn’t have
asked you out. Wear something cute, but
comfortable. That way if
you lovebirds spontaneously decide to take
a walk or go dancing, you don’t
need a wardrobe change.
5. It’s Cliche, But True: Be Yourself
The only way to really know if you are
compatible with a man is if you show your
true colors. Trying to change your
personality to fit what you think a man
wants is not only inauthentic, but
ineffective. You don’t know what he wants.
He probably doesn’t even know what he
wants. You may think he’s looking for
a demure sweetheart, but he’s looking for
the snarky, smart sista’ that you actually
are. Be you. You’ll be less stressed and
have more fun.

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