Sunday, 3 November 2013

5 Reasons Dating Is Better In Your 30s Than 20s, According To Men

Any twenty-somethings who are
despairing that they haven't found The
One: take heart. Dating gets better with
age -- according to the men of Reddit,
Male Redditors opened up about what it
was like to be dating in their 30s vs. their
20s. While some commenters were
frustrated at the dating scene -- citing a
very small pool of prospects or a pattern
of meeting women who "demanded" a
serious commitment very early on -- the
majority of posters reported that dating
in their thirties was overall a much more
pleasant experience. Here are five
reasons why:
1. The sex is better. There are a lot of
different types of sex to be had in your
twenties -- some of it more successful
than others. But the commenters on this
thread largely reported that, by their 30s,
both they and their partners had figured
out what worked for them sexually.
Lost_Afropick said: "Sex is a whole lot
better since you as a guy know what
you're doing. So does she and crucially
she isn't as shy about saying so and
taking initiative."
2. True compatibility matters much
more -- simply liking the same movies
and being dog people isn't enough.
InPursuitOf put it this way:
I care more about whether or not
we have the same interests and
goals in life. I'm looking for a
partner in life nowadays, not just
somebody to have sex with. For
me personally, I want someone
who takes risks, chases rewards,
works extremely hard, learns
something new every day, wants
financial success, and doesn't
want kids. In the past, all she
needed to be was hot. My pool of
available partners has shrunk
considerably, but my happiness
has increased.
3. Rules and games get thrown out the
window (and everyone is better off for
it.) Dating "rules" -- like how many times
you should see someone before sleeping
with them -- were always stupid, but
according to these men, such behavior
basically falls by the wayside the older
you get. EBfarnum wrote: "People over
30 tend not to play as many games. By
that point in life most people know better
what they want and how to go about
getting it."
4. Everyone is more independent,
which makes it was easier to know if a
relationship is right. Anyone single and
dating in his or her thirties has spent
much more time in the world as a
functional adult than a twenty-
something, which means more life
experience and a clearer idea of one's
goals and values. Nadrik posted that
"Women in their 30s also tend to know
what they want. They have their own
interests, friends, hobbies, and aren't
nearly as likely to just cling to you and
rely on you for their own social life. It's
incredibly refreshing."
5. Communication is stronger. Along
with increased independence comes
assertiveness -- and we all know you're
more likely to get what you want when
you actually ask for it. User sdtp wrote:
"I've learned to just say what I want and
attempt to grab it by the figurative

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