Monday 30 September 2013

What is Boko Haram afraid of? by Mohammed Abubakar

Terrorist group, Boko
Haram has shown Nigerians another
glimpse of its cowardice by attacking the
Yobe Agricultural College male students
whilst they slept unguarded by the Nigerian
It begs the question, why does Shekau who
always opens his mouth wide to talk about
how tough and well equipped the insurgent
group is shy away from hard targets like
military formations in the North or the
Civilian JTF pr vigilante’s which are now
giving them nightmares of epic
proportions? Instead they choose to attack
students in their sleep. Surely greater
cowardice had no terror group than this.
If the same Quran which Boko Haram
claims sanctions these terrorist attacks
speaks of courage and bravery, which Sura
can these clowns claim sanction these
gross acts of cowardice. Are there no
military formations that Boko Haram can
venture into? It has become increasingly
glaring that the ragtag militant group has a
heightened fear of the Nigerian army and
thus seek out soft targets where they know
they can get away with cowardly murder.
Surely the Quran does not endorse such
cowardice. Surely Boko Haram is afraid of
something. Perhaps the Nigerian military
would do better to lay ambush for them.
The army should occupy more university/
polytechnic/college campuses in the areas
where Boko Haram is known to operate, so
that next time when the cowards appear,
they can get a first class ticket to hellfire.

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