Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sexiest Parts of The Body Revealed By Science : Do You Know Yours?

We all have that one part of the body that
we find incredibly attractive. There are the
common ones like the eyes and lips, but a
recent study has uncovered what body
parts were found to the most and least
sexiest on both men and women.
According to the Daily Mail, the sexiest
part of a woman is her mouth and lips,
which scored 7.9 out of 10. The nape of
her neck was ranked at 7.5. Surprisingly,
breasts and bottoms came in at 7.3 and
4.5 respectively. The least sexiest part of a
woman according to this study is her feet.
On guys, his mouth and lips were also
named the sexiest with a score of 7 out of
10. His inner thigh got 5.8, and the nape
of his neck scored 5.6. His chest was
ranked 4.8, and the lower back came in
5th with 2.8. The study found that the
least sexiest part of a man is his forearm.
What is your favorite body part? Tell us in
the comment box

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