Friday 27 September 2013

See What Your Favorite Sex Position Reveals About You

Most people like to get experimental in
the bedroom. Experts have decoded
what your favourite position says about
A look at the choice of manoeuvres
between the sheets is a great tell-tale sign
about personality traits, preferences and
quirks in an individual. So here is what
your favourite position says about you:
Doggy style: As much fun as this is for the
man, it sends out a fairly strong message
to his partner. While she may not
particularly dislike it, busting this move
over and over will eventually distance you
from her. The position hands over controls
entirely to the man, leaving the woman
literally at his mercy.
The cowgirl: With the woman on top, it’s a
telling sign of a man who has had it easy in
life, is arrogant and as the name suggests,
Lazy. He wants things handed to him on a
silver platter, including a girl who’ll do all
the hard work. There is a deeper strain of
lack of motivation and ambition that runs
through here.
Spoon Swoon: Spooning, with him
enveloping you from behind in bed with or
without the sex indicates a deep sense of
comfort with your partner. It could also
point to a need for reassurance, security
and pampering. While it takes a confident
man to spoon and caress a woman he
loves, it is also an indicator for a
possessive personality. If, on the other
hand, he likes to be spooned instead, it
indicates a needy personality that wants to
be taken care of.
Missionary: Good old traditional sex at its
“submissive” best. However, this doesn’t
have to mean you’re a wallflower in the
bedroom; au contraire, milady. The fact
that you let him control you proves who’s
the real boss.
Woman on Top: You’re sexy and you know
it; there’s nothing keeping you back in the
inhibitions department. You enjoy having
the reins in your hands; you’re quite a
physical person with commendable
stamina, chances are you love sport or
dance and have a teeny tiny exhibitionist
side to your personality.
Reverse Cowgirl: You’re quite in touch
with your inner animal. While those who
associate emotional intimacy with sex
usually prefer positions that allow eye
contact and mouth kissing, you’re more
carnal than sentimental. And yes, full marks
in the no-inhibitions department.
Bendy Wendy: Are you the kind that goes
absolutely weak in the knees with passion
when he surprises you from behind, bends
you over hips down and gets set for a
quickie or more? You’re a super blend of
Ms Spontaneous, Ms Flexible and Ms No-
Wall flower: Standing-up sex against the
wall isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But if this
position does rock your world,
unconventional could well be your middle
name. And yes, if this one’s a regular, you
sure don’t have a single lazy bone in your
69: If you’re the kind that aims at having
your cake and eating it too, it could either
indicate a serious/long-term relationship or
a deep comfort level with your partner, or
simply a deep comfort level with sexuality
and your body. For you, there’s no such
thing as taboo between two (or more)
consenting adults.
Source: Times Of India

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