Friday 20 September 2013

LADIES: These Are The 5 Things Guys Just Can’t Get Enough Of

No.1 Watching You During Your Beauty
Numerous studies demonstrated that men
are fond of watching their partner during
her beauty routine. This is a private sphere
and guys will feel like they’ve entered a
secret room. In order to stay attractive, be
sure to let him watch you while you apply
your makeup or skin care products. Do it
with grace and refinement!
No.2 If You Pretend You Just Met
This is one of the funniest acts guys simply
adore. If you manage to come up with
questions that create the perfect context
for a first-date-style night, you’ll have the
magic key to success.
Don’t forget that there are still a few things
you don’t know about your partner.
Improve your relationship with versatile
and fascinating activities that offer you the
chance to know each other more. Keep
monotony at a bay with a few simple ‘find
love’ tips.
No.3 The Silence
Silent moments between partners might
seem pretty upsetting. However, a series of
studies demonstrated that men are fond of
The explanation behind a guy’s need to
enjoy the silence is the fact that he
considers his girlfriend relaxed enough to
skip subjects as fashion , sitcoms and
gossips in order to fill the pause. Keep this
trick in mind to make sure you have a
harmonious relationship.
No.4 Girls Without Time-lines
Living in the moment can be relaxing and
saves men from the pressure of marriage
and other responsibilities. Girls who
manage to keep deadlines for themselves
will have ultimate success in relationships.
Freedom is a buzzword in the mind of men,
therefore it is wise to talk about subjects
you can deal with in the present.
No.5 Compliments
Guys use compliments as the secret
weapon to make women feel more
attractive. However, it is also important to
mention that they also love to receive
praise-words, especially when it comes to
their appearance. Looking good is one of
the greatest ambitions of men, therefore
they seem to melt when they hear a few
compliments from their partner. Don’t be
scrimp and pamper your boyfriend with a
few nice words.

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