Monday 23 September 2013

5 Signs That You’re Good In Bed.. Do You Pass This Test?

You’re Good with Your Hands
Men who work with their hands a lot, e.g.
car mechanic, surgeon, painter, etc., have
honed their craft by using their extremities
to the extreme. Being in tune with the
subtle forces of pressure needed to create a
work of art, fix a car, or repair an artery
lets us know that you’re sensitive to
sensitive needs. You put the rest together.
You’re Patient and Selfless
Patience is very much a virtue, in bed. And
everyone knows that there’s nothing worse
than a selfish lover that only thinks about
his own needs and totally ignores your
own. But to have both of these qualities
makes for a great partner in the sheets.
Women need time to open up and
blossom, and part of doing the bedroom
tango is knowing when to let her lead and
knowing when to take it upon yourself. Part
of being able to read someone’s body is to
be patient enough and selfless enough to
stop focusing on yourself and instead put
the focus on her.
You Have a lot of Sisters or Female
Most men that grow up in a household full
of women are more sensitive to women’s
needs. This is because they’ve been
exposed to our day-to-day habits,
insecurities, and issues. It’s only natural
that you are more understanding and
sympathetic, and therefore more patient
and selfless, and therefore, a good lover.
You Aim to Please
People pleasers derive pleasure out of
pleasing others. Whether it’s at work,
school, or home, they feel good when
others feel good. You see where I’m going
with this one.
You Know How to Dance
Though you can be a good lover and a
horrible dancer, good dancers almost
always make good lovers. Sex is a
scintillating physical activity – both aerobic
and calorie-burning. And dancers
understand how their bodies move, how to
feel a rhythm, and how to engage
themselves as well as others into their
groove. Because of this, good dancers are
great lovers because they are not shy to
express themselves in this physical manner.

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