Friday 30 August 2013

Wedding bell ain't ringing anytime soon for me-Ruggedman

In a recent interview with Vanguard, rapper
Ruggedman talked about his love life and
See excerpts below:
You seem not to be the romantic type?
Says who? I am very romantic when I’m
with the right woman. Just like love and
marriage, romance isn’t something I throw
I remember one St. Valentine’s day. I went
to see my Val but I didn’t meet her at
home. I tied a rose(a real one not plastic)
to her door and wrote my initials on a
paper. When she returned and saw it, she
knew I was the one who put it there.
The incident that made me put my romance
in check happened years ago too on
another St. Valentine’s  day. I bought loads
of gifts and fifteen cards because I don’t
like getting just one. I even booked an hotel
room for dinner and all. All she did was
say “you shouldn’t have done all these!”
She didn’t even bring me a card. After that,
I put a leash on my romance. She has to be
worth it before I show her that side of me.
Can’t imagine a girl doing that to
almighty Ruggedman.
No. At that time, it was just the start of my
career. I hadn’t even recorded Baraje.
So how do you feel having
experienced the other side of
I learnt that life goes on no matter what,
and you need to know who you do things
Does that mean you don’t have anyone
in your life?
Right now I don’t have anybody in my life.
It’s been my work and me for a while now.
Although it feels somehow sometimes,
especially when I see couples out and
about . But I find solace with the thought
that the right person is out there for me.
So it means wedding bells isn’t ringing
any time soon?
I guess so but I’m very happy it’s ringing
for others and I pray their union stands the
test of time.
But is it so hard to find the right woman?
I guess it is sometimes especially now that
vanity rules. You find it hard knowing she is
with you for you or your status.
It’s like you’ve really had hard times
with ladies.
Not at all, the ladies love me and I love
them right back. It’s getting the right one
for me that’s the issue. A while ago, Bisi
Ibidapo-Obe looked at me and said
“Rugged, it’s not a curse but before you
find a babe for you, it will be difficult.” She
said I’m a fine man, successful artiste and
so, women will come and it will be hard to
know who is who. Now I understand what
she meant but God is in control

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