Sunday 13 October 2013

Lumpectomy was the reason why i did breast implant -karen igho

The One time BBA winner Karen Igho got
into a diss with Ghanian actress Yvonne
Nelson on twitter after Yvonne’s account
tweeted abuse to several celebrities
including EME’s rapper Skales.
However, Karen took the joke badly and
fired shots back at Yvonne an attempt
which got the Ghanian actress angry
thereby replying Karen and calling her
boobs fake.
Karen’s PR team have now come out to
claim Karen got her silicon implants due
to a medical condition which made
Doctors take out some tumour in her
A procedure known as Lympectomy
includes the removal of a lump without
the removal of any form of tissue. Now
Karen has claimed she got her breast
implants because of this.
Can we really believe this or is it an
attempt from Karen to just get a bigger

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