Wednesday 16 October 2013

5 Most Common Problems Married Couples Face

It is only natural that
there are problems in a marriage. It is not
easy to put two people under the same
roof, bind them with a contract and expect
them to live happily ever after. Some
manage to overcome the problems and live
contently, some choose to ignore it and live
a complicated married life while some just
can’t handle it and end up separating.
People are different and so are their
problems, but there are some that are
common to all marriages. These are
problems that most couple face at least
once in their married life.
1. Clash of personalities
It’s celebrated when in love. Opposites
attract and love blooms. But when
opposites get married, it is a start of a
marital war and problems that are never
ending. It is bad especially when both
people in the marriage are strong and have
bold personalities and don’t give up easily.
Rather than complementing each other,
they end up being at each other’s throats
for most of the time.
2. Lack of understanding
Even though married couples spend a lot of
time under the same roof sharing the same
space and a lot of other things, there is at
times a lack of understanding because of a
lack of intimacy, or communication or both.
Problems arise when two people live in
such close proximity and don’t understand
what the other wants.
3. Boredom
This is the most common and the most
dangerous problem that married couples
face. Boredom can be very damaging to any
relationship and marriage is no different.
Boredom leads to problems like infidelity,
indifference and much more. It is always
advisable to change the routine of your life
sometimes to break off the monotony. Even
though routine can be comforting, it can
be boring too and that’s why there are
many instances of partners being
4. Sharing of household chores
This is one of the problems that seem to
have no solution. Together with the societal
gender norms, there is also the added
pressure of work making it difficult for men
and women to share the household chores
equally or at least to the satisfaction of
both. Problems don’t arise when married
couples discuss clearly the tasks assigned
to each. It is also important that each do
his or her job.
5. Leading separate lives
A marriage works when there is respect for
the other person’s privacy and space. But
sometimes this concept of space and
privacy is taken to ridiculous levels in a
marriage where it ends in a married couple
leading two separate lives. This is a
problem a lot of couples face. They come to
a tactical understanding of not interfering
in other’s lives but still stay in the
marriage. It is not only strange but also
unhealthy and is a problem that is better
the sooner that it’s addressed.
Not all marriages are perfect and it is also
not feasible to find perfection. There are
always problems, it’s how we deal with
them that defines a marriage.

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