Friday 20 September 2013

7 Signs He’s Not In Love With You Anymore

1. No More Preferential Treatment
If your boyfriend is not eager to embrace a
masculine role in your relationship and
treats you as equal, it means that he is no
longer a fan of offering you preferential
treatment. This is one of the warning signs
that he stopped thinking about you as the
most important person in his life.
2. Your Annoying Habits Don’t Annoy
Him Anymore
Guys have a funny way to show that they
are not interested anymore. If you notice
that your boyfriend is no longer bothered
by some of your most annoying habits, it is
a clear sign that he has no intention to stay
in this relationship for too long. Disinterest
is one of the worst factors that can ruin the
life of a couple.
3. He’s Too Concerned About His
If your cutie loved to sport a laid back look
when you were around and now he is too
concerned about his appearance, it means
that he’s ready to move on or at least make
an impression on others. It may seem
painful to admit that your relationship is
heading down a dead end.
4. He Stopped Calling You Honey
If your boyfriend stopped calling you
honey, sweetie or darling, it is a warning
sign that his strong feelings for you have
disappeared. Guys use this trick to send a
secret message to their partner that ‘love
no longer lives’ there.
5. He Only Wants to Go Out with Friends
Guys who lose interest in their partner
often plan activities with friends. If your
boyfriend has problems spending time with
you, it is a clear sign that he lost interest
and he also wants to meet other people.
Speak out or try to breathe life in your
6. He’s No Longer an Open Book to You
Your significant other forgets to tell you
about his day or any other fun stories. This
is definitely one of the signs that he no
longer wants to be an open book for you.
Whether he has something to hide or he’s
tired of communicating with you, the point
is that you must notice and analyze this
change in his behavior.
7. He Became Too Busy to Answer Your
Men often find all kinds of excuses to mask
their disinterest. One would be to claim
that they were too busy to answer your
calls or text messages. If this happens too
often, either confront your partner or find
a way to make him admit that he’s no
longer interested in your relationship.

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