Thursday, 19 September 2013

7 foods that make you smell bad

Over-eating will lead to issues liker
perspiration and unwanted sweat.
1. Spicy food
A spice overload can lead to excessive
sulfur in your food intake, which will be
eliminated through skin’s pores and
breath. Ensure that you eat well-
balanced meals that aren’t too heavy on
garlic, onions or piping hot curries.
2. Red meat
Red meat requires maximum digestion
effort for your body to process. Over-eating
will lead to issues liker perspiration and
unwanted sweat. While vegetarians might
not have such issues with their limited food
intake, fenugreek and other strong
flavoured plants cause similar results.
3. Alcohol
Chocolate, soda, tea, coffee, alcohol –
consuming any of these in excess causes
body odour as when you drink them atleast
10% of it will be left unprocessed causing
perspiration. Excessive alcohol, in
particular, may cause body odour.
4. Junk foods
Excessive consumption of junk foods with
next to no exercise routine, will lead to
accumulation of fatty cells inside your body
which is the chief reason behind sweating
and BO. They lead to unwanted breath and
body odour as the food takes longer than
their healthier counterparts to get digested.
Foods high in hydrogenated oil, sugar,
flour, salt and so on are not good when
consumed in excess.
5. Low carbs
A diet which does not contain carbs can
lead to a greater release of sweat in the
body and also excess of protein foods. This
process leads to a release of chemical
called ketones in your bloodstream which
lead to unwanted smell.
6. Dairy products
Again, dairy products are rich in protein
and high consumption of these food items
will take longer for your stomach to digest
them. Excess consumption of dairy
products can lead to release of hydrogen
sulfide and methyl mercaptan in the body
which can easily trigger off a foul smell.
7. Tobacco
We all know it. When the smoke of
cigarettes mingles with other sweat glands
in the body it’ll lead to a release of a
distinctive smell which leads to a specific
‘smoker’ smell that lingers on everything
from clothing to hair.

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