Two hundred meters below the
earth in Vietnam lies a jungle
contained by the Hang Son Doong
cave. Because of a collapsed portion
of the cave roof, vegetation began to
grow and form what would be the
largest cave jungle. The jungle is
fairly small, but considering its
location also fairly incredible. It also
has the nickname ‘Garden of Eden.’
The cave itself was only discovered
twenty years ago and is getting
properly explored now. It is the
largest known cave and contains
caverns large enough to fit streets.
The subterranean passage could
hold 40-story buildings for a half-
mile block. Also notable are the
unfamiliar formations of the rocks
and walls within the cave.
One part of the cave is characterized
by algae-covered, ribbed stone
formations as the cave floor. These
ribs were formed by water
overflowing the floor and reshaping
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